Shaping the future of Digital Asset Management

Explore our roadmap to see how we're evolving Similarix to meet your needs and push the boundaries of AI-powered asset management.

Recently completed

  • Search by image in API

    We've expanded our API capabilities to include image-based search functionality. This powerful feature allows developers to integrate visual search into their applications, enabling users to find similar images across their digital asset libraries with ease.

  • Enhanced admin panel

    Our admin panel has received a significant upgrade, offering more intuitive controls and deeper insights into system performance. Administrators now have access to advanced analytics, user management tools, and streamlined configuration options, making it easier than ever to manage large-scale digital asset collections.

  • Original resource download

    Users can now download the original, high-quality versions of their digital assets directly through the Similarix interface. This feature ensures that you always have access to your files in their original format and resolution, perfect for when you need the highest quality assets for your projects.

  • Advanced synchronization status tracking

    To improve transparency and user control, we implemented a more detailed status system for synchronization processes. This will provide real-time updates on the progress of file indexing and processing, allowing users to better manage their workflows and understand the state of their digital asset library at any given moment.

  • Similarix Cloud: Managed Storage Solution

    We've successfully launched Similarix Cloud, our managed storage solution that simplifies file management and enhances user experience. This feature provides a seamless, hassle-free way to store and index files without the need for complex S3 bucket setups. Users can now upload files directly through our interface or API, with instant processing and indexing. Similarix Cloud offers automatic scaling, improved security, and seamless integration with our existing search and management tools, making it easier than ever to harness the power of AI-driven asset management.

On the horizon

  • Customizable search parameters

    We're developing an advanced feature that will allow users to fine-tune search parameters. This enhancement will enable more precise results based on specific image types or characteristics. Users will be able to adjust weightings for various visual elements, ensuring that search results are tailored to their unique needs and preferences across diverse asset collections.

  • Metadata-based search

    We're developing a sophisticated search function that will allow users to find files based on their metadata. This will include searching by creation date, file type, author, and custom tags, providing a more granular and efficient way to locate specific assets within large collections.

  • Contextually enhanced search

    Our next iteration of search functionality will incorporate additional context to deliver more relevant results. By analyzing the relationships between assets, user behavior, and project-specific information, Similarix will provide search results that are not just accurate, but intelligently tailored to each user's needs.

  • PDF support

    We're expanding our file type support to include PDFs. This will allow users to search within PDF content, extract images and text, and manage their document libraries with the same AI-powered tools they use for other digital assets.

  • Content-based questioning

    In an exciting step towards more interactive asset management, we're developing a feature that will allow users to ask questions about the content they've found. Leveraging advanced natural language processing, this tool will provide insights, summaries, and answers based on the context of your digital assets.

Our roadmap is always evolving based on user feedback and technological advancements. Stay tuned for more exciting features as we continue to revolutionize digital asset management!

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